TOMS RIVER: In a three-way race for the Ocean County Republican Organization’s endorsement, Representative Chris Smith (R-Manchester) received the stunning unanimous support of nearly one hundred eligible delegates, handing Smith the coveted Regular Republican of Ocean County line in the June 7, 2022, Primary.
Smith’s convention-qualified opponents—Michael Blasi and Michael Crispi—both failed to receive a nomination or a single vote from the convention floor. At that point, the convention moved decisively to unanimous support Smith, a motion which was overwhelmingly seconded throughout the room.
Smith was greeted with a sustained applause and standing ovation as he approached the lectern to deliver his acceptance speech.
“I am honored to receive the support and endorsement from the Ocean County Republican Organization,” said Smith. “I am looking forward to working with our County Commissioner nominees Ginny Haines and Jack Kelly, as well as Sheriff nominee Mike Mastronardy, and all local candidates in Ocean for a decisive Republican victory.”
“I am eager and absolutely committed to continue working with you on projects and initiatives to better serve the people of Ocean County and New Jersey.
“We all work as a team. In 1995, when Lakehurst was slated to close, we worked as a team to save it, then grow its missions all of which helped create the Joint Base—one of the largest employers of civilians in the County.
Smith spoke about the crisis in Ukraine, which he called “the largest and most lethal attack in Europe since World War II,” noting the world has been shocked by the massive death and destruction unleashed by Putin.
“We need to indict Putin now,” Smith said to a burst of applause.
“President Putin—and others responsible for this ongoing and ever-expanding mass murder—must be held to account and prosecuted.
On the domestic front, Smith said “every day, the consequences of Biden’s policies and flawed judgment have caused a huge spike in inflation—the highest in 40 years.
“In one short year” Smith said, “Biden has turned America from energy independent to dependent.”
Smith also said, “under Biden, voluntary COVID vaccinations have become mandatory including for hiring and job retention—a serious violation of individual liberty.
“Biden’s failed Afghanistan retreat resulted in the death of 13 U.S. service members, left thousands of Americans and allies behind, and yet he said nothing about this during his State of the Union speech on March 1 st .
“The extreme crisis on our Southern border will never end until we BUILD THE WALL,” Smith said again to rousing applause.
“Under Biden, crime in America has skyrocketed and the left wants to defund the police,” Smith said, noting he had been recently named “Legislator of the Year” by the National Police Defense Foundation for ‘outstanding legislative support on behalf of law enforcement.’
“Recently, former Congressman Frank LoBiondo said, ‘Chris Smith is a work horse, not a show horse. A work horse who knows how to get things done aggressively solving constituent problems.”
Smith listed several laws that he has authored to help people in New Jersey, across the nation, and around the world. Among those cited were:
- Five historic laws to combat sex and labor trafficking,
- 14 veterans’ laws including the landmark Homeless Veterans Comprehensive Assistance Act,
- Four laws to assist children and adults with autism—inspired by parents of two children with autism from Brick,
- A law against parental child abduction—inspired by David Goldman of Tinton Falls and his five-year struggle to get his son Sean back from Brazil,
- Three laws promoting religious freedom,
With regard to the ongoing international security threat driven by the Communist Chinese government, Smith said “I have been a strong voice standing up to the CCP and their egregious human rights violations including genocide.”
Smith also cited his legislation to give American citizens the opportunity to hold the Chinese government accountable for any role it may have played in the worldwide spread of COVID-19.
Highlighting his years of advocacy for unborn children and women with challenging pregnancies, Smith said, “I stand up for the weakest and most vulnerable including unborn children.”
In closing, Smith said, “Ronald Reagan was right when he said ‘freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction,” and it needs to be defended right now.
“We need unity and we’ve got to surge as never before. In 2022, Republicans MUST take back control of the House and Senate.
“I’m fighting for America. Every. Single. Day.”
After the 2020 Census and Congressional redistricting, Smith’s Fourth District was split, with 32% residing in Monmouth County and 68% of the residents living in Ocean County. Smith, a resident of Manchester in Ocean County, participated both as a candidate and as a delegate of the convention.
Smith, who previously won the endorsement of the Monmouth County Republican Committee in February, now heads into the June 7th primary with total support from both counties in the Fourth Congressional District.